Tuesday, July 29, 2008

TweakUI for Vista? [WinBubble]

windows Many users actually sent an email and gave a deep appreciation for making a program like WinBubbles. Anyway, I would like to thank everybody for providing a good feedbacks and comments about the program. If you want to download WinBubble 1.76, I suggest to read first the new features of the program. TweakUI for Vista?

Last February 7, 2008, my idol book writer author said from his experiment that WinBubble is the Best Free TweakUI Replacement For Vista and Also, my idol Paul Thurrott in Twit.tv - Windows Weekly amazingly said the same observations last May 11, 2008.

"If you're looking for a TweakUI replacement for Windows Vista, there are several contenders, but the one that's closest in spirit and functionality is, I believe, WinBubble, a freeware application by Lawrence Albert"

Like I said to other Communities and friends around the world. I will not say or declare WinBubble as the New TweakUI for Vista. I will leave it to the great authors, respectable writers around the world to declare that honor and name.

Again, I would like to thank everybody for giving a good comments and suggestion for more development of the program. I'm sorry if I said lately that I will slow-down the development but now I changed my mind.

I will develop WinBubble more Not just for the Geeks But for All the people that doesn't stop supporting my program. WinBubble will always be a Free Vista Tweaker and Customization program for Windows Vista and the incoming Windows 7.

Great Thanks Guys!!!

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