Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Unlocking WinBubble Part 6

More Security options

USB Drive/Storage Security


This options can disable writing to USB drive / Flash disk (Read only) and disable the USB drive / flash disk entirely.

User Account Control Options


A security feature in Windows Vista that always ask for permission to run or install some applications and sometimes it is so annoying that you want to turn it off.

When I installed the fingerprint software in my Dell Laptop, It automatically set the UAC options to Prompt for Credentials, which means I need to input my password or use the fingerprint reader again and again.

Because of that, I have included this feature in the new version of WinBubble.

Note: Do not TURN OFF UAC (Elevate without prompting) if you don't have an anti-virus or anti-spyware to your computer. Prompt for consent is recommended.

NEXT: Unlocking WinBubble Part 7

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5 

To download WinBubble, Click Here

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