Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Accelerated Memory Gain Research

No more Memory Gap. Do you believe that the memory of a human being can be accelerated if you increase the number of senses used while memorizing words or studying something?

Since I was a child, I am having some difficulty in memorizing new words. I usually end up saying the words again and again, and forgot about it after a few hours :)

  1. If the words are interesting, for sure you can't forget what it means.
  2. Focus
  3. Listen
  4. Speak
  5. Understand
  6. Imagination rules

Preliminary Research Results

Exam Score
Test 1 70%
Test 2 40%
Test 3 92%

Test 1 - Relax and Average Sleeping Time, Read and Speak while Memorizing the Words (The Usual Thing)

Test 2 - Rush and Short sleeping time, Read and Speak while Memorizing the Words.

Test 3 - Relax, Short sleeping time, Using a Computer, Read and Speak while Memorizing the Words.

Test 3 shows an excellent improvement over Test 2

The experiment took more than three weeks of study and a few lines of code. I have no Ph.D. Degree and few resources but my findings shows a significant increase in the score. Useful for Children in Elementary and Secondary Education around the world. Even for Professionals.

"Dude, I ain't dumb. I got 100%, isn't that Great?"



The truth is... these past few weeks, I got bored in writing Articles for Windows Vista.

Catcha later Guys. Have Fun. Enjoy!

Anyway, Please feel free to post your views, additional information, suggestions and if your interested in my research, my email address is UnlockForMe@gmail.com

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