Friday, June 13, 2008

Hacking WinBubble: Customizing the Restore Point Creator designed for Windows Vista

RestorePointAfter posting the article about adding "Create a Restore Point" to your Context Menu. Some Users requested on how to create a Shortcut for the tool, use a Shortcut Key for launching the command and changing the restore point name.

Here's what you want guys... Hack WinBubble!



Creating a shortcut to desktop

1. Download WinBubble and Extract the zip file.

2. Open the "Tools" folder and locate RestorePoint.vbs as shown in the picture above.

3. Create a Shortcut to your desktop: Right-Click > Send to menu > Desktop (create Shortcut). That's it!

Shortcut Key to Create a Restore Point

Drag it to your Quick Launch Taskbar and use Win+Icon Position to launch the script e.g. Win+1, Win+5...Win+9

Changing the Restore Point Name:hackingwinbubble

1. Go to "Tools" folder and open RestorePoint.vbs in notepad: Right-click > Edit

2. Just change the Restore point name "Restore point for Today" to any name that you want, example: "Software's installed for testing"

Learn and have a clue on how it was created in Windows Vista? Read this first.

How to Run VBScripts as Administrator in Windows Vista

Enjoy Learning Windows!

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