Saturday, February 23, 2008

Eject your CD/DVD using the Middle mouse button

EjectCDYesterday, I published an article on how to launch programs using the Middle Mouse button. Using that principle, It is now possible to eject your CD/DVD drive using the scroll wheel button / Middle mouse button easily.


1. Read the previous article:

How to launch programs using the Middle Mouse button

2. At number 8, Open the path where Winflog eXTreMe is located and use the file "ControlCD.exe"

Example: C:\Users\Lawrence\Desktop\WinFlogExtreme\ControlCD.exe

Note: If this doesn't work, ControlCD is not yet Activated, Open Winflog Extreme and click "Eject CD" to Add the Right-click -Menu entry.


That's it!!! Enjoy!

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