Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Adsense: How to Compare your different websites earnings

Google AdSense gives online publishers an opportunity to earn money through relevant ads on a wide variety of online content such as site search results and websites.

Through the new Adsense Sites Menu option, you’ll be able to compare each websites earnings. Here’s how…

At the first page, Click “View full reports” options…


Once the next page is loaded, you’ll be able to see the Sites Menu option located at the left pane as shown:


The feature let’s you dig all your top websites earnings, summarizes them together and you’ll be able to analyze and create more steps for adjustments.


Overall, Google Adsense let’s you earn money through valid clicks and impressions based on readers interest. Comparing each websites earnings is really important and it gives a room for improvement.

Thanks for reading the article!

Monday, October 22, 2012

(Quick Tip) Speed up Windows Startup using Hybrid Shutdown

Windows 8 performs a shutdown of the computer and prepares it for faster startup.

Here’s the command that windows uses upon shutdown:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\hp>shutdown /hybrid /f /t 00

The Faster startup of Windows 8 helps your computer boot faster after shutdown. Windows 8 makes this happen by saving the information to a file upon shutdown. This is called a Hybrid Shutdown. When you login to your PC again, Windows uses the save information to resume your computer.

Thanks! Keep on Reading!

More References

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Command Line to Restart Windows 8 with Advanced Boot options Menu

Windows 8 advanced boot option menu provides a quick configuration option and additional major features that overall give great options for users and administrators.

Here’s how to get into the advanced options after restart:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>shutdown /r /o /f /t 00

Choose an option Menu lets you select to Continue to use Windows 8, Use another operating system, Troubleshoot your computer with advanced options and just Turning Off your PC.


The Troubleshoot Menu has the Refresh and Reset options:

Refresh your PC – If your PC isn’t running well you can refresh it without losing your files.

Reset your PC – If you want to remove all your files, you can reset your PC completely.


With the Advanced options from troubleshooting page, you’ll be able to access these Tools:

System Restore – Use a restore point recorded on your PC to restore Windows.

System Image Recovery – Recover Windows using a specific system image file.

Automatic Repair – Fix problems that keep Windows from loading.

Command Prompt – Use the Command Prompt for advanced troubleshooting.

Startup Settings – Change Windows Startup behavior.


That’s it! Keep on reading!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

(Quick Information) How to Restore and Reset Internet Explorer configuration options


What does Restore Advanced Settings at Internet Explorer do?

The feature resets Internet Explorer configurations to their initial settings as they were when you first installed the default options of Internet Explorer.

What does Reset IE settings do?

You should only use this if your Internet browser is in unusable state. This feature resets Internet Explorer to the condition it was in when you first installed the web browser. Although this setting will restore nearly every user setting made in Internet Explorer, it doesn't remove your favorites, feeds, registry patches or Group Policy settings.

Where to open and Restore the Advanced Settings or Reset Internet Explorer

toolsbutton Open your Web browser and Go to your Tools Icon 

Click to launch Internet options and at the advanced tab, the Restore advanced settings and Reset Button is located at the bottom part of the configuration window as shown.



Thanks for reading the article!

How to launch Internet Properties through command line window


Internet options lets you configure your Internet display and connection settings of Internet Explorer. Here’s how to access the configuration window through command prompt, run window and Search.

Command Prompt

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
(c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



C:\Users\hp>control inetcpl.cpl

Run Window (Win + R)




General Tab

The general tab lets you configure home pages, Internet Explorer Temporary files and Browsing History.

Security and Privacy Tab

The Internet Explorer Security tab is used to set and change configurations that can help protect your computer from potentially harmful malicious online codes.

Content Tab

The Content Tab includes AutoComplete and Feeds. AutoComplete stores previous entries on webpages and suggests matches for you. The Feeds and Web Slices provide updated content from websites that can be read in Internet Explorer and other programs.

Connections Tab

The Connections tab lets you setup internet connections and local area network settings (automatic configuration and proxy server).

Programs Tab

The programs tab includes Managing add-ons, HTML editing, Internet programs and File associations.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab contains settings for various Internet Explorer options and organized by category from this central location.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How to disable Activation notices and balloons

Turning Off activation notices and message balloons.

Although this registry option is not recommended, software licensing notices can be remove by adding a new DWORD value at Windows Registry named NotificationDisabled with a value of 1 to the registry.

The value name disallow all program licensing notifications, including balloons, wizards, and task dialog boxes.

Registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation

Value Name: NotificationDisabled

0 = Activation notifications, wizards and balloons will be shown (by default activation notifications are enabled)

1 = All activation-related messages will be hidden (Not recommended)

Read more: Allow or disallow automatic online activation

Using Windows Registry Data for Regdevelop

Let’s create our own Tweakui-function application using the Windows Registry data above:


Drag and drop the checkbox control and configure the settings as shown:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation










HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation







Once your done, you can test the program by clicking the Start button and Build Now button to compile the program.


You’ll notice that it is normally checked or by default notification for activation is enabled.

That’s it! Enjoy!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Open a specific page, set of web pages or home page tabs on Browser Startup (Registry included)

Want to automate opening of your favorite websites everyday? Here’s how to open a specific page once your favorite web browser starts.

Google Chrome

Go on to your chrome settings and On Startup options, click to choose “Open a specific page or set of pages”.



For the startup pages, you can create and add one or many depending on you as shown:


Internet Explorer – internet options

For IE, its equivalent are creating home page tabs at Internet options, you just need to type each addresses on its own line as shown below:

Digging Windows Registry for Internet Explorer Patches

If you’ll examine each situation, IE patches the following registry folder so that when Internet explorer starts, It will just open each websites.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Start Page =

Secondary Start Pages =

Create your own application that patches the Registry


Using the Windows Registry patches given above, we’ll be able to create our own application using RegDevelop that will patch the registry for the web address then afterwards, Internet Explorer will open the website once the browser starts.

Drag and drop one textbox and label control as shown and set the configuration options:

Registry settings for Textbox Control


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main


Start Page



Label Control Settings


Internet Explorer - start your Browser with this specific address

Finally, press the Build Now button to use the software – That’s it!

RegDevelop is a development platform that let’s you create your own Tweakui-like software and applications for Windows Registry and other command-line utilities. Try the application – It’s fun!

Mozilla Firefox

With Firefox, starting the application with specific address on browser startup provides a similar user interface. Go to the options window by pressing Alt+TO and you’ll be able to set the startup page or home page as shown:


Cool? Thanks for reading the article!

Friday, October 12, 2012

(Continuous Browsing) Start with tabs from the last session

What if your working with your web browser and you want to continue  what you are doing next day or after your web browser exits. How will you save and reopen again your last browsing web-pages?

This quick tip is related to the previous article with Google Chrome to continue browsing of recently opened websites after the web browser exits.

Let’s launch the Internet Options by pressing Alt + TO while IE10 is open.


As shown, at the Startup group click to choose “Start with tabs from the last session” – That’s it! you have activated re-opening of the last browsing session after your web browser exits next day.

The web browser will automatically save and re-launch or re-open the last session from your browsing history.


Digging Windows Registry

Upon studying the registry values for the said option, Internet explorer patches Windows registry by default of 0 (It means the option for Continuous browsing is by default not functioning)

To enable, you can go to the following registry folder and put a data value of one (1) for the registry name Enabled.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ContinuousBrowsing

Enabled = 1 or 0 (0 is default)

According to Microsoft and Google, Continuous Browsing: The setting re-opens the website pages that were open at the end of your last browsing session. Internet Explorer will also put back your browsing history session cookies and data.

Works with IE10 and above!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Show Status Bar for Files and Folder using Folder Options, the Registry and RegDevelop

The status bar displays the number of items at the current folder, number of selected files in Windows explorer and its overall file size.


Here’s how it works at Windows Registry and Folder options.


When the option is checked and unchecked at Folder options window, Windows registry changes its value. Here’s the registry folder located and what value is affected:


ShowStatusBar = 1 or 0

The default value is 1 and when the option is checked – the status bar is shown or enabled and it gives a value of 1. When unchecked the ShowStatusBar registry value is set to 0 for the option and the Status Bar is hidden.

Creating the tweak option using Regdevelop

If your familiar with the program Tweakui, Regdevelop lets you create the same configuration options using Windows Registry.


Drag and drop the checkbox control into the form designer and use the details and pattern them to the registry information below.


Show the Status Bar



















Click the Start Button to test the program and afterwards, the Build Now Button to compile the application.

That’s it! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

How do I access Control Panel Items of my Windows 8 PC?

At Control Panel, you’ll be able to change settings and customize the functionality of your computer.


In this topic we’ll discuss different ways to access the Control Panel from old times to new ways. First, adding right-click menu items of Control Panel to your desktop as shown above is a great tip. Accessing everything to your control panel is very easy.

Just like old times

If you love the idea of just making sure the Control Panel icon is located or can be reach through your desktop, add the functionality by going to the Right-Click Menu of Desktop –> Personalization Menu –> and Change desktop icons as shown below:



Next, if you want to access Control Panel through your Run Window, type: control.exe and press enter.


New ways to access Control Panel


New ways to access the Control Panel begin by pressing Win + E and clicking the icon as shown above.

searchorsettings cp_settings

Another way is to move your cursor the right portion of the desktop or slide your menu, tap “Search” and type: “control panel”

Finally, you’ll be able to reach and touch the control panel through the “settings” menu as shown above.


That’s it! Reaching the Control Panel from old ways to new ways. Thanks for reading the article!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Display the file size information in Folder Tips using Folder Options, the Registry and Regdevelop

When you move the mouse cursor to a certain folder, by default,  windows displays the file size information as shown below:


Let’s study how its made using the folder option and Windows registry.


We’ll unchecked the option at Folder Options window and you’ll see the results that the folders file size information was remove at the Info Tip.


Windows Registry Location


Registry Value Name: FolderContentsInfoTip

The default value is 1 and when the option was unchecked, it gives a value of 0 and 1 for the option is enabled.

Next, Let’s recreate the said tweak using Regdevelop for our own application using the values above:


Drag and drop the checkbox control into the form and change the configuration details and pattern them to the registry information above.


Display the File Size Information for Folders



















Click the Start Button to test the program and afterwards, the Build Now Button to finish creating the application using RegDevelop.

From the tip above, Regdevelop lets you create program in minutes using Windows Registry information. Create your own TweakUI program – Using the development tool Regdevelop Tweakui functions can be duplicated and enhance.

Thanks for reading the tip!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Turn on/off Windows 8 Faster Startup

Windows Fast startup is a configuration setting that helps your computer start up faster after shutdown. Windows 8 does this by saving system information to a file upon shutdown. When you start your computer again, Windows uses that system information to resume your computer instead of restarting it.

•The faster startup configuration setting doesn’t apply to Restart. You need to shutdown and then start your computer again for Windows faster startup to take effect.

•Windows Faster startup is turned on by default in Windows.

The Faster Startup Checkbox option can be found at Power option System settings. Here’s how to access the option via a User Interface.

Go to your power option by clicking the Power Plug icon and then Click More power options. Or use your Run Window (Win+R) and type: control /name microsoft.poweroptions


Once inside the power option window, at the left pane click “Choose what the power buttons do”


System settings of power option window will be launch and you need to click or go for UAC verification inorder to edit the power settings: Change settings that are currently available as shown below


Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options\System Settings

At the bottom part, you’ll be able to enable and disable “Turn on fast startup” option


The Fast startup helps start your PC faster after shutdown. Restart is not affected.

Thanks for reading the optimization tip!

Restrict changing of Wallpapers using Windows Registry and WinBubbles-Lite

WinBubbles-lite is a light-weight and updatable version of WinBubbles. Any user can update the version easily using it’s development tool built-in into the application called regdevelop. The Registry editor (regedit.exe) is an application interface built-in editor at Windows use to edit keys at Windows Registry.

Here’s how to use the utility winbubbles-lite and the registry editor (regedit.exe) in preventing the changing of Windows Background or wallpaper.

Using WinBubbles-Lite

Open the application and scroll down until you see the option “Disable Changing of Wallpaper” at restriction group


Click to check the option and Press Alt-A to Apply or just click the Apply button. For effective outcome, Restart your computer to see the actual results afterwards.

If your an advance user and knows how Windows registry works, you can edit the tool and add more options by going to the IDE mode.


Using Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe)

Open your registry editor (regedit.exe) and proceed with the registry folder below:


Once your inside the ActiveDesktop folder, find the NoChangingWallpaper and set the value to 1. If you can’t find the option just create the value using the DWORD option (Right-Click any vacant space and use the menu NEW then DWORD (32-bit) value and create the registry key as shown).


NoChangingWallPaper set to 1

Finally, you can restart your computer afterwards.

For Windows 8, just restart Windows explorer at the task manager – Read here.

Windows Registry is a database that stores configuration settings, values and options at Microsoft operating system.

Thanks for reading the article!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

(Effective) How to easily Patch Registry entries and Group Policies to your computer at Windows 8


Windows 8 just got better in applying all the registry and Group Policies patches. There is now an option to effectively update all the tweaks easily via the task manager.

Normal Registry Patches: After changing something from group policy editor (gpedit.msc), patching some setting and adding value names and data for Windows registry - the registry settings doesn’t work in real-time.

Here’s how to access the said solution option:

Let’s launch the task manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+ESC. Find the “Windows Explorer.exe” application then right-click Restart the application as shown below:


It will automatically apply all the settings and patches after restart.

Thanks for reading the quick tip!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Prompt for a password when your computer wakes or resumes from sleep

Adding password protection is when your computer wakes from sleep, no one can access your data without entering the correct password key to unlock the computer. Not requiring a password option is when your computer wakes from sleep, anyone can access your data because your computer isn’t locked.

Windows XP

Right-Click the plug icon located at your notification bar and Click to choose “Adjust Power” Properties.


At the advanced Tab options group, you’ll be able to activate and deactivate the option “Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby”.


Windows Vista/7/8

Using command prompt to access the option easily

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.



You’ll be able to set the option “Require a password on wakeup” directly through the advanced power options settings


Another option to disable and enable Password on Wakeup is access the option through Power Options\System Settings


The require a password on wake link is located through the left pane of Power options window.


Then, at the bottom part of the System Settings, you’ll be able to access the option to enable and disable Password Protection on wakeup.


That’s it!