Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amazing Free Microsoft Wallpapers for Windows XP/Vista/7

This is not an official release or news but simply a hack version to get Wallpapers from Microsoft for FREE.


You can get a high resolution images without any charge and directly download it from Microsoft Website and do some manipulation, editing and tricks.


It’s amazing and can be used in XP, Vista and Windows 7


How to get the Free Wallpapers

The truth is… the wallpapers can be downloaded through the personalization gallery and was designed for Windows 7.

Desktop Backgrounds

You will noticed that there are only few images that you can download. To get more desktop backgrounds (wallpapers), you need to do some tricks first.

  • Download the best themes that you like from here












  • You need to install 7-zip to extract the themes

  • Afterwards, right-Click the file .themepack and extract the file


Open the folder and start exploring the files!!


Have Fun!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Manually Hacking Plants vs Zombies

Plants versus zombies is one of the best games today. The idea is very simple but great response to masses.


Note: This is an unpaid tip and tricks

People loves to play to game randomly in all ages.

Open the registry editor by pressing Win+R, type “regedit” and go to this registry location


How to Run the game in Window mode

Set ScreenMode to 0


Set ScreenMode to 1

Music Volume

MusicVolume value from 0 to 100 in decimal


To disable the volume, simply set Muted value to 1

Same with MusicVolume, SfxVolume ranges from 0 to 100 in decimal

If you don’t want to dig your registry editor, you can change those settings using the option menu.


Hope this helps!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Jejemundoz, Simple Jejemon Translator


Jejemon is one of the new breed of hipsters who have developed their own language and written text. It is being used frequently in Facebook, Friendster, Myspace and other social networking sites.

However, most of the users uses informal forms and often attributed to be of inferior intellect but in some users, this belief is wrong. Some doesn’t know how to speak and write english well.

Informal form
Lolz. xDT♥zzz +u

Truly amazing and can be use as one of the easy password generators.

JEJEMONDOZ – Simple Jejemon Generator

My version of the translator differentiates the Informal and somewhat formal forms that can be attributed to be of inferior intellect and can be use by any users in any english skill levels.

Manual and Automatic.

jej3mOn !$ 0n3 0f Th3 n3w brEEd of h!pzTErs w!Th Th3!r own lAngu@gE @nd wr!tT3n Text

It is being translated into lowercase, uppercase (all caps) and Alternating Case.

The best thing is, you can manually edit and add some especial symbols e.g. mathematical symbol like Beta, Alpha, Omega and many more…

¤   ±   ©  Ü  ü  ☺  ☻  ☼ ♥ ♦ ♪ ♫ ♯ ♣ ♀ ♂ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ◊ □ Χ  Φ  Σ  Π  Ω  Ξ  Θ  λ  ζ  ε  δ  γ  β  α  π  ψ

and it can be use in Facebook as well.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Remove Phone Icon Entries from My Computer in Windows 7


In just few months of work I learned so many things on how to get things done simpler and faster. I managed to focused on future ideas that I might create but unfortunately in every ideas, you need money.

Money makes the world go round :)))

Anyhow let’s focus and discussed some of the annoyances that I noticed in the new operating system called Windows 7. If you have a shared computer and being used by your family and friends, cell phone entries in my computer window is very difficult to removed.

How to remove an icon from “My Computer”?

First, you need to know the SID folder of the user account.

Browse this registry location to get the corresponding SID of the user e.g. username Atomton

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

e.g. S-1-5-21-825345543-318236825-1802669531-1003



%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Atomton

Now, we have verified that the SID for the Atomton user is S-1-5-21-825345543-318236825-1802669531-1003

Once you have the SID folder, you can now go the folder location below to get all the CLSID of each cellphones and delete them.



It is advisable to backup first so that you can restore them later.


Now it’s clean. That’s it! Hope this helps!